Sharon Niederhaus

Sharon Graham Niederhaus


Sharon Graham Niederhaus understands the dynamics involved in living in extended family situations well. She  completed her master’s thesis at Stanford University on multigenerational living arrangements. Sharon holds a Master of Liberal Arts degree from Stanford and a Bachelors degree in Sociology/ Anthropology from Mills College. A credentialed teacher and former director of partnerships in education, she has written numerous articles in educational journals. She lives in Portola Valley, Calif.


John L. Graham

Professor Emeritus

John L. Graham also has a deep understanding of multigenerational living through his work with a variety of cultures and their practices. An emeritus professor of Marketing and International Business in the Merage Business School at the University of California in Irvine, John writes for the New York Times, Los Angeles Times,the Harvard Business Review, and several other publications. He lives in Irvine, Calif.